When creating or editing a game, you can set the Scoring system or the scoring rules depending on how people answer questions.
Scoring system
Default rules automatically give players 100 points for answering correctly and 1 extra point for each remaining second (which 20 seconds to respond to a question, each player can earn up to 20 extra points for speed). You can configure all these settings in the game setup section called Scoring system.
Scoring based on the type of challenge
Scoring varies depending on the type of challenge:
- Simple challenge: awards points to both the winner and the loser (even though the winner will be the person who obtained the most points). If you don't complete this challenge in time (24 hours by default), you will lose the number of points earned by the player who completed the challenge.
- Double challenge (enabled by default once you reach 5,000 points): the winner earns double points BUT the loser will have double the winner’s points subtracted from their score. If you don't complete this challenge in time (24 hours by default), you will lose double the points earned by the player who completed the challenge.
- Triple challenge (enabled by default once you reach 10,000 points): the winner earns triple points BUT the loser will have triple the winner’s points subtracted from their score. If you don't complete this challenge in time (24 hours by default), you will lose triple the points earned by the player who completed the challenge.
- 5-10% challenge (enabled by default when you reach 20,000 points): the winner earns 5% of all points accumulated by the loser and the loser will have 10% of their points deducted from their score. If you don't complete this challenge in time (24 hours by default), you will lose 10% of your points.
You can configure everything you need in the Límits and restrictions section of the basic game setup screen. You can configure the minimum score players must obtain to launch each type of challenge and the expiration date for a sent challenge:
Challenge expiration
If a player does not answer a challenge within the set period (1 day or 24 hours by default), they lose the challenge. You can see the time limit to respond to a challenge in the Limits and restrictions section of the basic game setup:
If a player launches a challenge without completing it, and the challenged player does not answer within the estalished time limit, both players lose 500 points (by default). You can see this in the Scoring system section of the basic game setup: